
英語專業四級寫作講解 (共5講)第二講 問題解決型作文專項訓練

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英語專業四級寫作講解 (共5講)第二講 問題解決型作文專項訓練時尚,就是讓年薪八千的人看上去像年薪十萬。我們總是要求男人有孩子一樣的眼神,父親一樣的能力。一分鐘就可以遇見一個人,一小時喜歡上一個人,一天愛上一個人,但需要花盡一生的時間去忘記一個人。本文由shadow081010貢獻

英語專業四級寫作講解 (共5講)第二講 問題解決型作文專項訓練

doc文件可能在WAP端瀏覽體驗不佳。建議您優先選擇TXT,或下載原始檔到本機檢視。作業範文解析 Is Failure a Bad Thing Different people hold different attitudes toward failure. Someone regards failure as a heavy strike, after which he or she may lose heart and give up all efforts. Others could never take failure seriously. They just ignore it as if nothing had happened. In my opinion, both attitudes are wrong.( 引出論點) First of all, people who regard failure as a heavy blow can hardly become successful.(提出第一分論點, 指出那 些視失敗為大敵的人很難成功)Those people are more likely to give up all efforts once encountering difficulties. In other words, they will give up all hopes and endeavors to pursue success and will in turn be abandoned by it. Success means a continuous effort and a growing confidence in one’s belief. Just as the old saying goes, “God will help those who help themselves”. So if a person treats failure in a positive attitude, he will conquer these difficulties. Secondly, those who are light-hearted with failure can hardly become successful either, because they don’t know how to accumulate experiences from their failure. (提出第二分論點, 指出那些忽視失敗的

人也很難成功,因為他們不懂得從失敗中吸取經驗教 訓)If they choose to ignore a failure instead of thinking about it carefully, they would not be able to find out what is really wrong. Under such circumstances, failure will ultimately result in another failure. A right attitude to failure is to face it positively, draw a lesson from it and then find out reasonable solutions to solve the problem in order to avoid the same mistake again. (提出第三分論 點,指出對待失敗的正確態度是積極面對失敗,並從 中吸取教訓,以避免重蹈覆轍) In this way, one could always be energetic and be nearer to success. From the above analysis, we can conclude that failure is a test to human. It’s a stumbling block for the timid, but a steppingstone for the brave. We should, therefore, take a right attitude towards failure.(總體概括並強調論 點)

第二章 問題解決型作文專項訓練 第一節 寫作要領 問題解決型要求考生就某種社會現象或某種問 題提出自己的解決方案, 立意在 “方法” 、 “途徑” 、 “怎 麼辦”等,主要遵循提出問題分析原因提出解 決辦法的模式 這類的作文用於專四考題中,往往以 How to?的形式 出現, 或者 One Way to?或者 The Best Way to?的 形式出現。有些卻隱含在標題中,如 My Idea of a Successful Interview 隱含“怎樣使面試獲得成功”這 一命題,2005 年的真題 My Idea of a University Arts Festival 實際上可理解為 How to Organize a University Arts Festival If I’m in Charge. 歷年真題有 2005My Idea of a University Arts Festival 2002The Best Way to Stay Healthy 1998One Way to Solve the Problem 這類命題的統一提綱模式是: 第一段:引言。 對現狀、形勢或困難的描述,提出問 題。 第二段:原因、途徑與方法。列舉做某事的途徑或問 題解決的種種方法。

第三段:評價或選擇。對第二段中提及的途徑進行簡 要評價,或選取其中一兩種自己認為合適的方法、途 徑,並簡要闡述其依據。 模版分析 範文一 Directions: Beijing has enacted a new citywide public smoking ban since May 1,2008. The new regulation extends the smoking ban to more public venues and indoor areas in medical facilities, elementary, secondary and primary schools, museums, business halls, public

transportation, cultural heritage sites, and sports venues and fitness centers. What do you think is the best way to fight with smoking?

Nowadays, public smoking has become a matter of concern. Many passersby are reluctant to inhale the smoke from the smokers around them. The governments have tried many ways to ban smoking in public, but the result is not satisfying. A new citywide smoking ban has been released recently in Beijing. It is said that people could not smoke at public places like sports venues,

medical facilities, schools, cultural heritages sites and etc. I fully agree with this regulation because I think it is the most effective way to fight against smoking now in China. The benefits for my idea can be generalized to two major ones. First of all, banning smoking in public protects the health of nonsmokers. As everyone knows, smoking is harmful to one’s health. It causes many diseases such as lung cancer. Smokers, of course, should take the full responsibility for their voluntary choice. However, it is not fair for nonsmokers when they have to bear the smell of smoke and later the diseases caused by others’ smoking. Another benefit is that it deters kids from becoming smokers. These regulations are basically sending a message that smoking in public places is no longer socially acceptable, and it decreases the appeal of smoking to adolescents. Kids’ perceptions of how many people are smoking are a major factor for them to decide whether they’ll smoke. In my view, the smoking ban will be the best method to reduce smoking.

常用句式 一、 列出現象句型 1. Recently the problem of? has been concerned by plenty of people./ Nowadays, people are beginning to realize that?/ When asked about?, most people would?/ According to a recent survey?/Many experts point out that?/ An investigation shows that? 2. There is no denying the fact that?/ With the rapid development of?more and more people?/One of the burning problems confronting our society today is?/ ? is one of the most important issue in the world at present./ If we are blind to the problem? 3. It is true that?/ People think of ?. as?/ It is horrifying to think?/ It is quite safe to say?/ Much is said about?/It seems quite likely.. 二、 概述方法句型 1. The best way to ? is?/ One of the most effective way to solve this problem is?/ In order to solve this problem, we should?/ The phenomenon has aroused public attention to?/ ? effective measures should be

taken? 2. Several factors affect heavily?/ The task demands immediate attention?/But the cause for the problem go far deeper./ There is no easy method to the problem./ Proper measures must be taken?. 三、 詳細策略句型 1. First of all, we should?. Secondly? but not least?/In the first place?ndly?. 2. Most importantly, we should?./ According to? should?./ General attitude toward?is that?/ The issue should be approached in a new way?/ As is evidenced?/ Moreover, if ?/ Another method is?/ Furthermore? 四、 總結概括句型 1. In sum, in order to solve the problem, we should?/ From what has been discussed above, we may come to the conclusion that?/ Taking into account all these factors, we may draw the conclusion that../ We may have a long way to go before?.


寫作要領 便條是一種簡便的非正式的信函,主要作用是傳遞消 息、釋出通知、提出邀

請、表達感謝、徵詢意見等。 鑑於便條的評分標準有格式、內容、語言以及語言得 體性四個方面。 第一 格式固定 四個部分:第一是日期;第二是稱謂;第三是便 條主題;第四是署名,缺一不可。 常見問題忘記寫日期、導致不必要的失分。 第二 資訊明確 從內容上來講,便條內容要明確,例如邀請類便 條的時間、地點和事由必須很明確、不寫或漏寫都會 導致失分。 第三 語言通俗 語言一般通俗易懂,接近口語,所以要避免過於書 面化的語言。例如 We are greatly honored to write to you. Having been living on the campus for a whole year, we have happily witnessed the great changes here.中,用 了非謂語動詞作為時間狀語的複雜結構 Having been living on the campus for a whole year, 這是正式的語 言結構,但是對便條不需那麼正式。 第四 內容得體 從語言得體性上來講,便條的語言

要區分物件,使用不同的禮貌語言。 寫便條的目的是利用簡潔的非正規的書面語解決 實際生活中的問題,如拒絕、感謝等。因此,考生面 對便條寫作,必須仔細審題,明確考題要求,即能夠 回答這樣的問題我是誰,便條的收件人是誰,我希 望收件人看了便條後瞭解什麼, 去做什麼, 怎樣去做? 便條主要考的是“特定的格式,特定的句式,特 定的內容” 特定的格式和特定的句式基本上是 。 “約定 俗成”的,寫生必須“瞭然於胸” 。至於特定的內容, 便條寫作中的提示是至關重要的。提示限定了便條寫 作的內容和物件, 增加或遺漏內容都導致失分, 因此, 認真閱讀提示並按提示要求來寫便條是高分的最基本 前提。 第一邀請類 邀請類便條內容包括宴會、舞會、晚餐、聚會、婚禮 等,形式上分為正式和非正式。一般在專四考試中為 一般的形式,書寫時有以下要求: 1、 時間、 地點和場合一定要清楚, 不能讓對方有 疑問。時間一定要寫明年月日並精確到時刻,以 保證被邀請者能夠安排好時間。場合也一定要寫 清楚。 2、 語言要注意禮貌用語, 以表尊敬。 如寫給同輩,用語可相對輕鬆,如寫給長輩或上級,用語則要 正式、禮貌。 內容包括: 1、 誠摯邀請對方參加某一活動。 2、 概括介紹活動的內容和安排。 3、 再次表示誠意。 注意事項:

1、 在紙張的右上方註明日期。 2、 另起一行,在最左邊寫稱呼。根據兩者之間的關 系,寫著合適的稱呼。 3、 下一行空兩格寫主體, 要註明什麼時間在哪裡有 什麼事情發生,然後詢問被邀請者能否參加。 4、 最後在右下方署名。 邀請類便條的四步: 1. 告知 There will be?We have held? I want to tell you that?. 2. 解釋 in the Beijing Grand Theater tomorrow evening 3. 詢問 If you are interested in it 4. 確認 Please let me know whether you are prevented from coming or not. 範文解析

1. Your friend Mary interests in musical performance very much. Occasionally you have got two admission cards to the Italian National Band’s performance. Tell her the exact time, place and other details. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.

July 1 Dear Mary, The Italian National Band will give a performance in the Beijing Grand Theater tomorrow evening. I think you may like to watch it. If you are interested in it, I will leave you an admission card. The performance will begin at seven o’clock sharp. If you come with me, I will wait for you at the theatre entrance. Please let me know whether you are prevented from coming or not.

John 範文 2

May 5, 2009 Dear Mrs. Li, We should be very much pleased if you and Mr. Li would dine with us on Wednesday at 7 o’clock.(誠摯 邀請對方參加晚宴)It will be quite a small party, as we have only asked Mr and Mr. Anderson and Miss Chang Ling, all close friends of ours.(簡單介紹晚宴的內容和 參加者). We trust you will be disengaged (自由的) and able to give us the pleasure of your company.(再次表示 誠意) 練習 1.

Directions: you want to go shopping this Sunday to buy some clothes. Write to your best friend Lily a note to invite her to go shopping with you and ask her whether she wants to go to the shopping mall. 2. Directions: Professor Robert is an expert in English literature in your university. As one of the organizers of the “English Culture Festival”, you want to invite him to give a speech at the opening ceremony. Write an invitation note to inform him of the detailed time and place.

作業: Directions: Nowadays, the society is rapidly developing, at the same time, the working people are putting under more burden than before. To lessen pressure, different people have different methods. What’s your ways of reducing stress? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: The Best Way of Reducing Stress